onseal One Coat Fence Life colours and protects any rough sawn wood in just one coat so it's perfect to get your shed and fence looking great without spending more time than you have to. You can brush or spray it on, and it'll protect from rain, frost and snow and won't lose it's colour in the sun. It's low odour and will be showerproof in one hour.
When using Ronseal's One Coat Fence Life, wait for a warm dry day, above 10°C, and not likely to rain. Cold, wet weather can stop the stain from drying properly. Start by using a stiff brush to get rid of any dirt or debris from the wood. Make sure you cover anything you don't want to get stain on. Give the stain a really good stir with a stirrer or an old wooden spoon until the colour is consistent throughout.
Use your brush or sprayer to apply the stain. It'll be dry and protected from the rain within one hour. Check your fence or shed each year to see if it needs a new coat and to keep it looking its best.